Play Poker Play poker, how to play poker, play poker online Learn the basic rules of how to play poker games for players that play poker online or off. Play Poker The question of how to play poker is not as straightforward as it may seem as there are a huge variety of poker games and variations. However, there are some basic rules when you play poker that are the same in every poker game, whether you want to play poker online or off. When you play poker you play against a group of other people. Each player is trying to obtain the hand with the highest ranked value and at the end of the game the player that achieves this is the winner and takes all of the prize money which has been bet during the course of the game. When you play poker a game consists of rounds and in between rounds bets are placed. Players receive cards and then bet based on the quality of their cards. You may choose in each round to fold and leave the game, forfeiting your bet. You may also choose to place a simple bet, betting the minimum amount. Or if you feel your hand is strong you may choose to raise, raising the minimum bet to a higher value. In some poker games all cards are private—only you may see all of your cards. In other poker variations some cards are community cards and are shared by all of the players. As you try out different poker variations and play poker more you will understand private and community cards more. Now that you understand the basic rules of how to play poker you will have a good head start in learning any poker variation from Texas Hold’em to Five Card Draw and anything in between. You can play poker online or off and have a blast! Enjoy!