Backgammon Equivalent-to-Money-Game Equity -Not Just for Those Good at Math

Backgammon Equivalent-to-Money-Game Equity is used in match play, to compare the size of errors in different games. Each single losing game is assigned a value of -1, while every single winning game is assigned a value of +1.

Backgammon equity is the value of a particular player within the backgammon game. It is typically understood as the sum of all the values given for the possible outcomes from any certain position on the board that a player is has been placed in during the course of the game. This sum is then multiplied by the probability of each of the moves actually taking place. Simply put, backgammon Equivalent-to-Money-Game Equity is each player's probability of winning the game. Each participant is then able to place a wager on the result. Backgammon Equity is one of several kinds of such wagers, including Cubeless Equity, Cubeful Equity and Match Equity. Match plays are the most common types of games in which an equity set-up is used.

In a match play, two players will play a number of games until one of them acquires a predetermined number of points for each game won. Backgammon Equity corresponds to the probability each player possesses of winning the match from their current positions within each game until one of them has won the match. Sometimes, to take a chance on this probability, the doubling cube can be used during a match and the assigned value of winning or losing a game is based on the cube. Backgammon Equity places a high emphasis on strategy over a number of successive games.


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