Set up Backgammon Board

Playing Backgammon is easy. You set up the Backgammon board the same way as you would set up the checker board. It will take you not more than five minutes to do this. Your rival player and you must have an even surface between you and the backgammon board is set up here.

Once this is done, count the checkers and see that there are 15 checkers per player. Check that there are four die. There should be a cup for rolling the die in, and there should also be a doubling cube. The doubling cube has even numbers on it, that is double 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64.

You definitely need a knowledge of backgammon board layout to set it up effectively. There are 24 triangular patterns across the board, on both sides of the board. These patterns are also called points. You have to number these points from 1 to 24, and this is done in an anti clockwise manner, so that #24 is located in the upper right hand corner.

Once the setting up is done, you are ready to start moving the checkers around the backgammon board and begin the game. But before you begin, the checkers should be placed in the correct order. The correct order is that you simply drop two on point 24, five on point 13, three on point 8, and the rest of the five on point 6. So now your backgammon board is ready and you can start playing.


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