Discover the Rich Backgammon History

Knowledge of a game's history does not increase the level of skill. But it definitely increases the passion for the game, which makes it easier to imbibe the skill. Backgammon history is so old and rich that it makes backgammon players proud to be associated with it. The history of backgammon definitely goes back to before the birth of Christ. A cuneiform tablet dating 177 BC has been found with the backgammon game rules on it.

However the backgammon game was played much before that. The exact period of origin cannot be placed with certainty but it is believed to be around 3000 BC. There is a debate going on whether the backgammon game originated in Persia or in Egypt. Whereas the above aspects of backgammon history are shrouded in mist there is no doubt that some backgammon variations were played by Romans, Egyptians, Persians and Sumerians. But it was always the aristocratic classes that played the game in ancient times.

Throughout backgammon history the essence of the game has remained the same. There have been minor variations in the rules. The different backgammon variations have been known by different names in different places. The Romans called it "the Game of 12 lines"; the French called it "Tric Trac"; the Spanosh called it "Tables Reales"; the Italians called it "Tavola Reale"; the Greeks called it "Tavli" and the Persians called it "Nard".

With the advent of the Internet backgammon history took a new turn. The backgammon game could be played in virtual space without a physical board and checkers. Also players from all across the world could play the many backgammon variations with each other. This has taken backgammon popularity to new heights.


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