A look at Perudo Variations

Perudo has its roots in South American Incan culture but has obviously gone through many transformations over the years. As a result, Perudo variations have sprung up in different time periods and geographical locations, although all of them are played according to the basic rules of classic Perudo. Perudo variations sometimes reflect a slight change in the rules and bidding restrictions.

One of the most successful and popular of the Perudo variations available is Perudo Santaba. Perudo Santaba is played mostly in South America, although the internet has done much to bring the game into the homes of players from all over the globe. This variation has a more complex set of rules than traditional Perudo although the basic gist of the game remains the same.

Perudo is known by a wide variety of names. A more commercialized version of the game is known as Liar’s Dice in English and can be found in the game’s section of most stores. The rules of Liar’s Dice are practically (if not exactly) the same as the rules that apply to Perudo. Other Perudo variations include games such as Liari, Cachito and Mentirosa. All these games are played with a dice and have strong elements of bidding and bluffing, although, as mentioned, specific rules may vary slightly.


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