Learn How to Play Perudo like the Professionals

Thousands of people all over the world are learning how to play perudo and you can be one of them. All you need is the desire to learn and a little patience and you too can be playing perudo for fun and money.

Before you start to play, let's take a look at some of the basic rules that will teach you how to play perudo. Your aim in perudo, which is alternatively known as Liar's Dice, is to be the last player with dice left on the table. At the beginning of a game, each player is given five dice and a cup used to shield the dices' identity from other players. What you need to do with your dice is very easy. Simply shuffle your perudo dice under the cup and tell the opponent seated immediately to your left or right about the pipcount. For example, you could tell your neighbor "two four's" or "three one's."

This is the basic step in learning how to play perudo, however a key feature of sharing this information with your opponent is bluffing. Remember that you are trying to be the last player in possession of dice and you want your opponents to lose dice. Your neighbor must decide whether or not he believes the information you are telling him. The choice he makes will determine who loses the dice. If he guesses correctly that you are bluffing, then you must forfeit dice. However, if you are not bluffing, he will lose dice.

As you can see by the above example, learning how to play perudo successfully and becoming a perudo winner is based on how well you master the art of bluffing. We recommend that you practise your techniques against a friend before you try playing perudo for real money.


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