The Art of Bluffing in Perudo

If you're the owner of a serious poker face, chances are you will do well playing Perudo. Popular in the Latin world for centuries, this fast paced game for several players is otherwise known as Liar's Dice. This is because a crucial part of the game is knowing when to bluff and pass on incorrect information to your opponent. Therefore if you want to be successful at Perudo, you will need to develop a winning bluffing technique.

The need to bluff is one of the aspects of the game that make it so popular with poker players. Just like poker, the game requires a player to exercize control over his body language and avoid bluffing too frequently. If you bluff constantly, other players will doubt you every time, which will result in you losing valuable dice. However, if you limit your bluffing and develop a Perudo face that lets you lie without being caught out, you may just find yourself the last player at the table with dice in your hand. Given that this is the aim of the game, this is an enviable position to be in.

If you haven't already started practising a bluffing technique, you can find information on how to do in many popular books, gaming magazines and online at gaming portals and Perudo community sites. Of course, the mirror is your best friend when you need to practise any new look so don't be afraid to practice the bluffing technique that works best for you.


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