An Overview of Top Women Backgammon Players

Backgammon is an extremely popular game and has become even more so in the past few years thanks to the internet. The game has produced a number of truly top backgammon players- almost all of them men. However, there are a few women backgammon players who are also definitely worth a mention.

Some of the backgammon champions of the fairer sex have already become household names (within the backgammon circle, anyway), such as Carol Joy Cole, Antoinette Marie Williams, Sakura Wells and Mary Hickey. There are also a number of popular European women backgammon players such as Bulgaria's Maria Krancheva and Pia Jeppesen from Denmark.

There have only been very few people in the world that can truly be called masters, however no women backgammon players have ever reached these heights. The highest-ranking player was probably Mary Franks who was listed at number 92 on the all-time ABT list. Other women backgammon players in the top 150 spots on this list include Joann Feinstein, Wendy Kaplan and Linda Maclean.


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